Mindblown: a blog about Color

  • Sutton Place

    Sutton Place

    Long before the days of Airbnb I used to rent an apartment every summer in New York from an agency. I don’t remember the name of the agency but I do remember that it was initials such as BDR, BBD, or for all I know if could have been BFD.  Who knows? Although I can’t…

  • Polo


    His name wasn’t actually Polo but let’s call him that. It’s also appropriate because that’s what he wore all day, and every day. Every morning he would wake up, shower and then slather himself up with Ralph Lauren’s signature scent. After this daily ritual he would then don the classic Polo shirt complete with the…

  • Fell on Black Days

    Fell on Black Days

    Should I take Highway 280 or Highway 101? As a Californian figuring out which freeway to take comes with the territory. Whenever I ask myself that question I find myself veering off to take Highway 280 despite the fact that 101 is actually quicker. So what’s the draw with 280? For one thing it’s just…

  • As The Pendulum Swings

    As The Pendulum Swings

    You know those people who are constantly posting on social media about how happy they are in their relationships? And then one day they just stop with seemingly no explanation, I mean let’s be honest they don’t owe you an explanation but what started out as a fairy tale has turned into a cliffhanger and…

  • Great Book for New Grads

    “As Graduates Prepare For In-person Commencements Are They Prepared For In-Person Work Settings?”   In her blog REUFinder.com Tiffany Reardon provides a plethora of guidance and resources to high school and college students. Whether it be helping finding scholarships, paid research opportunities, or general tips on out of the classroom experiences her blog is a one stop…

  • My Love is Your Love

    My Love is Your Love

    At the ripe old age of 49 (and some change) I can say I have a good understanding of the  concept of love and as the singer Sade would say “This is no ordinary love.” To explain this I need to step back and give you some context. I believe I must have been Greek…

  • Halston and Me

    Halston and Me

    I’ll never forget that there was a time in my life when I hated being invited to anything remotely fancy. Why? Because I literally had nothing to wear. When I worked in a grocery store worrying about what to wear was never an issue because we wore a uniform. On my days off I was…

  • “The World is Opening Back Up & I’m Scared AF”

    For those of you who know me, you know where I was when the world shut down. I was on a cruise, and I remember it like it was just yesterday. It was March 2020 and the world was hinting around about this thing called “Coronavirus,” and that cases were rising. Eventually, things started getting…

  • The Artist

    The Artist

    Sometimes you work somewhere that’s just a really hard place to work yet you have amazing coworkers so it’s kind of a zero-sum game.  Think about it.  Have you ever gotten a parking ticket and you had to go pay the ticket in person? I’m sure the Ticket Citation Processing Center isn’t exactly the pinnacle of…

  • Gemini


    At some point in life, your heart will be broken. Now you can do one of two things; you can guard yourself and try not to let it happen, you can do this by approaching emotions at arm’s length in a cautious way so that affairs of the heart will never wreak any real havoc…

Got any book recommendations?